Today’s passage: Matthew 21:12-17
Helpful thoughts:
- This may be the second time Jesus has turned the tables in the court of the Gentiles at the Temple. (See John 2:13-22)
- By Jesus’ words, it is safe to assume the sale of these items were not being done in a way that actually served the people. The religious leaders had devised ways to rip people off in the name of worship and honoring God.
- When the chief priests and scribes saw the miracles he was doing and heard people were calling him the Messiah, they were “indignant”.
- Jesus responds to their anger by saying it was right for Him to receive that praise…because it was.
Questions to consider:
- What had the chief priests and scribes turned their religion into? What had become its purpose?
- Why were the chief priests and scribes so angry at Jesus?
- Who should also have been worshiping Jesus that day?
- Are there any tables you have set up in your life, in your church that Jesus needs to overturn? Are there any interests, desires, respect from people, etc., that get in the way of you seeing Jesus as all you need?