Today’s passage: Matthew 21:28-46
Helpful thoughts:
- Both parables in today’s passage are intended for the same audience with very similar messages.
- Notice that Jesus gave commentary at the end of each parable. He didn’t leave any doubt, He was speaking to the Jews, and specifically, their leaders.
- The “one who fall on this stone” means, whoever would move against Jesus to harm Him. So the Pharisees were just warned that rejecting Jesus (Either offensively or through disregard) as the Cornerstone would result in their destruction.
Questions to consider:
- What kinds of people enter into the kingdom of heaven? What should we expect their old lives to look like?
- Why shouldn’t we be amazed or put off by people’s pasts?
- Who did the Pharisees and chief priests fear after having been warned of their destruction? Wouldn’t it have been ENTIRELY logical to repent and believe in Jesus at this moment? What did the Pharisees and chief priests love most? Why did they reject Jesus and later “Fall on this stone” by arresting Him and pursuing His crucifixion?