Today’s passage: Matthew 22:23-33
Helpful thoughts:
- The argument of the Sadducees is, since all the men can’t have one wife at the same time, there can be no resurrection.
- The Sadducees were the wealthiest, most politically successful of the Jewish sects. So, they were also the least liked among the Jewish people. They prided themselves on being true to the OT and specifically the Pentateuch.
- Therefore when Jesus basically told them, “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” It was a direct hit on their credibility and pride.
- Along with the resurrection, the Sadducees did not believe in angels.
- Jesus teaches about marriage and our future here:
- Marriage is wonderful. But it is not eternal. The purposes for marriage will no longer be needed in the resurrection.
- We will be LIKE the angels (We will not BECOME angels) in that, we will be glorified, spiritual, eternal and joyfully serving the Lord.
Questions to consider:
- Where are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob right now?
- What will our relationships be like after we see Jesus? How will they all be better? Who will be in our “family”?
- If the Sadducees did not believe in life after death, what would have become major temptations for them?
- How does thinking about eternity change how we think about “today”?