Today’s passage: Matthew 9:35-38
Helpful thoughts:
- There were around 20 cities and an estimated 3 million people in Galilee during this time. This was the “size” of the crowds Jesus would have been thinking about.
- The wording for the compassion that Jesus had for the crowds/the lost indicates a physical sickness. He was literally sick to His stomach or aching. He was emotionally and physically effected.
- As well-educated or wealthy as any of the people might have been, Jesus saw them as harassed and helpless.
- With the great harvest field in mind, and right before their eyes, Jesus calls on His disciples to…pray.
Questions to consider:
- Why does it make more sense to have compassion on the lost instead of being frustrated with them? What is their condition? Why are we any good at all?
- Why is it significant that Jesus is commanding the disciples to pray for laborers and not just to pray for the lost?
- Who could you pray for today? (Please pray for our church – A body of laborers!)