Today’s passage: Micah 1
Helpful thoughts:
- Micah’s prophetic ministry ran from Jotham’s to Hezekiah’s reign in Judah. He prophesied of events prior to the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel. His ministry to Hezekiah is later recounted in Jeremiah 26:16-19.
- This chapter consists of the promised judgment of Samaria and the northern kingdom of Israel in verses 2-7 and then Micah’s lament in verses 8-16.
- In Micah’s lament, we are reminded of the Israelites hope in something “good” (Verse 12) coming from their human allies in their time of distress. The people of Samaria trusted in man to protect them, but man could not protect Israel from the judgment of their God.
Questions to consider:
- Micah knew Israel would try to get around or escape God’s pronouncement of judgment (Verse 10), but what was the only thing left to do (Verses 8-9)? Why are God’s pronouncements final? How does this finality of God’s determination become a matter of rejoicing for those in Christ (Revelation 21:3-4)?
- God compared Israel’s sinfulness, their worship of pagan gods, and trusting in other nations for protection with adultery. Why were their actions spiritual adultery? What picture is the church given for a marriage and who is our groom (Ephesians 5:22-33)?
- How does this add to our understanding of our calling, purpose and relationship with God? How does this add to our understanding of the gravity of our sin? How does this add to our understanding of the faithful love of Christ?