Today’s passage: Philippians 2:1-11
Helpful thoughts:
- The idea of verse 1 is that there obviously IS encouragement, comfort, participation, affection and sympathy.
- This passage is an argument from the greater to the lesser. If the almighty, righteous, holy God can do all He has done for us in love, surely we can set aside our own personal preferences and ambition to love one another in unity.
- We will never empty ourselves of more or condescend further than Jesus did to serve the needs of others.
- No knees need to bow to me. All knees will bow to Jesus.
- We can serve and love others as Christ has served and loved us (John 13:14, 34)
- All will bow the knee in the end. Christians get to bow the knee and confess Christ as Lord to the glory of God now by living in a manner worthy of the gospel (1:27)
Questions to consider:
- How does a right view of God and the gospel inform a humble spirit and willingness to serve?
- What challenges can prevent us from counting others as more important/significant than ourselves? How do you rightly balance the truth that all are created in the image of God and of equal value with the command to count/consider others to be more significant than yourself?
- How was your salvation purchased? How were you purchased (1 Corinthians 6:20)? How can you respond in praise and joy for God’s great love for you today?