Today’s passage: Proverbs 26
Helpful thoughts:
- Verses 1-12 all speak of foolishness. 13-16 the sluggard. 17-28 our speech.
- Verses 4 and 5 seem hard to understand. They look like they disagree with each other!
- Verse 4 should be understood as, do not be in agreement with a fool. Don’t affirm or go along with the foolishness, or you will be taking part in it.
- Verse 5 is saying the fool is to be rebuked. If we leave them alone, they will continue in their foolishness without any help.
- At some point however, if the fool continues to choose foolishness, it would be foolish to continue to get involved. The fact that these two verses together makes us feel that there is no winning when working with a fool…that’s the point.
- It only takes a spark to start a wildfire. We might be able to control our tongue, but once we let out our words we have no control over how far they will reach. (For the better or the worse)
- If we spark a fire on purpose, we will get burned. (Verse 27)
Questions to consider:
- What are the similarities in the first 12 verses and what are some specific differences? What is true of foolish living?
- What are the kinds of things people use their words to accomplish? With all of the sinful things that are listed in this chapter, what would the opposite, righteous acts be? How can we use our speech to bless and love people?
- What proverb stuck out the most to you? How can you put it into practice today?
Father, there is so much sin and selfishness and hurt represented in this chapter. We know that the wages of sin is death. And we thank you that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord! I pray that we would see the truth of the Gospel and desire to love you and love others in a way that would eradicate foolishness from our hearts, cause us to work hard for the benefit of others, and compel us to use our speech to build others up and point them to you.