Today’s passage: Proverbs 3
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus isn’t just the Lord of your destination, He’s also the Lord of your path.
- Binding God’s word around our neck and writing it our hearts conveys the idea of diligently working to put God’s word in our thoughts which results in seeing God’s word displayed in our lives.
- A person who is wise in his own eyes does not look to anyone else for help and therefore will not seek and learn from the Lord.
- God’s glorious will for your life is to make you like Jesus (Romans 8:29). Because He loves you, He’s giving what is best. Because He delights in you, He corrects you.
- What God gives us is better than wealth.
- Solomon even included God’s credentials in verses 19-20. He is worthy and qualified for us to trust in Him!
Questions to consider:
- How do verses 5-7 contrast with the ideas of “finding yourself” and “speaking your truth?” When do we truly find ourselves? When do we truly understand wisdom?
- How much of our hearts does God require? In how many of our ways should we acknowledge Him? How many of our possessions are for His honor?
- What kind of a person would God have us to be among our community according to verses 27-35? What reasons should the community have reason to come to us?
Father, we praise you for Your wisdom! Your knowledge exceeds our capacity to imagine! And your perfect knowledge and wisdom is always translated perfectly to righteous and wise actions. We fall short, and we often forget that we aren’t as wise and smart as we think we are. Thank you for your amazing grace to us through Jesus Christ, who didn’t just die to make us wise, but died because we refused your wisdom and sinned. As we walk in faith, in Christ, please guide us according to Your word. May we learn to seek your wisdom in ALL our ways, in ALL our thoughts, with ALL the possessions You have given for our stewardship…even when that includes correction and discipline. Thank you for being our loving Father!