Today’s passage: Psalm 113
Helpful thoughts:
- God’s is worthy of our praise in every moment and in all moments for eternity (Verse 2 and 3).
- Our God is holy, there is no one and nothing like Him. No other thing or person could come close to His glory. No other thing or person deserves to be worshiped.
- This immensely amazing God cares for and lifts up those who cannot help themselves (Verses 7-9).
Questions to consider:
- Why is God’s ministry to those who are considered “lowly” so striking to our understanding? How do we expect successful powerful people to treat the poor? The rich? What does our God do and how does He see people differently?
- How does God’s holiness and His choice to save us free us up from worrying about what the rich or the poor think about us? Why don’t we have to clamor for the approval of people?
- When we fail to see God this way and try to garner the approval of man, what is it that we think we will get? What are we hoping for? What has God given to us through Christ that man could never match?