Today’s passage: Psalm 149
Helpful thoughts:
- The people of God have a Maker and King who takes pleasure in them!
- This truth elicits praise and worship.
- Our Maker and King is coming and will rule and reign on this earth.
- See Revelation 19:11-21.
- The judgment of God is coming. To those who are in Christ, this is a day of victory. To those who have rejected their Maker, it will be a day of destruction and defeat.
Questions to consider:
- Reading verses 4 and 5 together, whose glory do the godly exult in? How does God’s glory increase our humility? How does the increase in our humility give us greater awareness and joy in God’s glory?
- Why will it be such an honor for God’s people to be with Christ when He returns (Verse 9)? On what basis are we even considered worthy to be on the victory side and not suffering defeat?