Today’s passage: Psalm 22:1-18
Helpful thoughts:
- This is a Messianic Psalm:
- Jesus suffered separation from God on the cross when He took our sin upon Himself.
- Jesus was scorned and mocked by the Jews and Romans.
- The crucifixion would have included all of the pains of verses 14-15.
- Jesus died before the soldiers broke the legs of the others who were being crucified. His bones were not broken.
- The soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ clothing.
- You could read Matthew 27:27-54, Mark 15:16-39, Luke 23:26-49, John 19:16-37 to see the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. Look for the fulfillment of the statements from Psalm 22!
Questions to consider:
- This Psalm was written over 1,000 years before Christ died on the cross. Do you think you could write something that would happen after 3019 A.D. with the same amount of detail? How can fulfilled prophecy give us greater confidence in the claims of Jesus Christ and the authenticity of the Word of God?
- What part of the crucifixion would have been the hardest for Jesus to experience? How does this give you a greater appreciation and love for Him?
- Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and in His shed blood at the cross for your sin? Have you asked God to forgive you and save you? Who could you share the Gospel message with today?