Today’s passage: Psalm 25
Helpful thoughts:
- David, in distress, cries out to God:
- The basis of his appeal is the character and graciousness of God.
- The goal of his appeal is God’s glory.
- The fruit of his appeal is following in the Lord’s paths.
- The heart of his appeal is one of humility and contriteness.
- In Psalm 24, we were reminded to follow God because He is our maker and owner. In Psalm 25 we are also encouraged with the fact that He is good!
Questions to consider:
- Did David’s salvation precede or follow his obedience? Why is following in the Lord’s paths fruit of God’s work and not the root (or cause) of our salvation?
- What aspects of God’s character do we find in this Psalm?
- What does it mean that God is good? How does His goodness encourage you to follow and worship Him?