Today’s passage: Psalm 46
Helpful thoughts:
- God does not become our fortress and strength when all is nice and neat and in it’s place. He is our fortress when the earth gives way and the mountains crumble into the midst of the sea. When everything in this world is falling apart, you are safe.
- Our task is not to figure out why God does or allows what He does, but to be still and know that He is God.
- The “Hosts” in the name, Lord of Hosts, communicates God’s power and guarantee of victory. God has never known defeat and He never will.
- “In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
- Eternity is a lot longer than a day, and week, a month, or even a lifetime. “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” – Philippians 1:21
Questions to consider:
- What is true of the life of a Christian? (John 8:52) How might we desire to redefine “safety” or “security” when things aren’t going “well” in this life?
- How does learning and thinking about the attributes and promises of God help us during times of difficulty? Why is worship better than worry?
- How has God even used difficulty in your life to make you grow? (Romans 8:28-29)