Today’s passage: Psalm 51
Helpful thoughts:
- This psalm was written by King David in repentance after being rebuked by Nathan after his sin with Bathsheba and having Uriah the Hittite killed.
- A desire to share the Gospel with sinners is preceded by joy in our own salvation.
- Signs of repentance in this psalm:
- David believed he deserved punishment.
- He confessed.
- He knew his sin against God was the chief problem at hand.
- He did not blame God for his troubles.
- He believed the only hope he had would come from God’s mercy and grace.
- He knew changing his thinking would result in righteous living (No longer living in sin).
- He never said anything about forgiving himself. God is the judge, not me.
- He didn’t try to buy God’s favor or pay Him back with religious activity.
- He acknowledged his sin hurt others, and his obedience would bless others. His sin wasn’t about him…it was much bigger.
Questions to consider:
- Do you have joy in your salvation? Why or why not? Why should we?
- Did any of the signs of repentance surprise you? If so which one(s)? Why was it surprising?
- Which sign of repentance is the hardest for you? If applied, how would you (and others around you) benefit from learning and growing in any or all of these areas?