Today’s passage: Psalm 63
Helpful thoughts:
- God is beyond worthy of our every desire, longing and interest.
- This truth does not automatically result in our pursuit of Him. David had to choose. He resolved to praise, be satisfied, remember, meditate on and cling to God. The fruit of this resolve gave David even more reason to continue in his endeavor!
- David’s enemies’ sinful conduct and end are given as a contrast.
- David gave himself to beholding the glories of God and was satisfied.
- Others gave themselves to selfish ambition, and they were consumed.
Questions to consider:
- How could this Psalm be compared with 2 Corinthians 3:18? Does considering/meditating on the glories of God and the truth of the Gospel produce growth and fruit in believers? How?
- How could this Psalm be compared to John 4:13-14 and the story of the Samaritan Woman? If we try to quench our thirst with other earthly things, what will always result?
- How do God’s holiness, righteousness, power, love, and Christ’s sacrifice (among many other attributes) compel you to love and obey Him with joy?