Today’s passage: Psalm 90
Helpful thoughts:
- This psalm was written by Moses! Only one psalm is credited to him.
- These truths were still true when the whole of the 150 psalms were compiled, and they are still true today. “From everlasting to everlasting” God is God!
- Seeing our existence in relation to who God is (Holy, eternal, our Creator) gives us a better perspective and understanding concerning our sin…and His gracious plan for our rescue in Christ.
- By God’s grace we learn to see even the negative consequences of our sin in this life as a way to draw our attention to see God and rejoice in His favor.
Questions to consider:
- Why is it good for us to “number our days?” How does wisdom come from knowing who we are and how long we have on this earth compared to the eternal glory of God? What is our purpose here?
- If this life is short and life with God is everlasting, what would it be wise to ensure we prioritize in our days here? What is our Creator God worthy of (Romans 12:1-2)?
- What does verse 17 acknowledge we need? In what ways have you seen God’s favor on your life? What can you thank Him for today?