Today’s passage: Revelation 1:4-8
Helpful thoughts:
- This letter was written by the Apostle John first to seven specific churches in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey).
- It seems best to understand the “seven spirits” of verse 4 to be referring to the Holy Spirit. This phrase could be translated or understood as “the sevenfold Spirit,” emphasizing the completeness of the Spirit of God.
- This interpretation would also complete a mention of each member of the Trinity in verses 4 and 5.
- When Jesus comes again, all will see Him. All will be judged. Those who believed will experience eternal joy. Those who rejected Him will wail.
- We have reason to be eager to reach the lost!
Questions to consider:
- How did God make us part of His kingdom? What do verses 5 and 6 teach us and help us to better understand the gospel message?
- There are several descriptions of God in this passage. Which one(s) stick out to you? What do we learn about God through these names and descriptions?
- In a culture that would be prone to think it isn’t nice to cause people to wail on account of your presence, what does the reality of who God is demand from His creation? Why doesn’t the Bible need to apologize for it’s directness? Does God need to answer to mankind or will mankind answer to God? Why is it so important we remember this?