Today’s passage: Revelation 19:1-5
Helpful thoughts:
- Earlier in Revelation, the call from God’s people was “How long…?” (6:10), now the loud voice of a great multitude praises Him for the completion of the judgment that was due.
- The multitude acknowledges that salvation, glory, and power belong to God and that His judgments are true and just. They rejoice in the judgment against her (those) who sinned, corrupted, murdered God’s servants.
- The twenty four elders and the four creatures (4:4-11) around the throne echo and affirm the praise coming from the multitude with their “Amen.” The multitudes were right to praise and worship God for these attributes and His actions.
- God is and forever will be worthy of worship from all, whether they be considered “small” or “great” in this life. Even the great of this world owe their worship and their very lives to their Creator, Savior, and Lord.
Questions to consider:
- Who would possibly be comprising this great multitude? Could this be God’s people whom He has redeemed? Angels? Both?
- There will be those who are now considered “small” and “great” who are in heaven and who end up in the judgment. What is the value of “greatness” in this life when compared to eternity and when compared to the Lord? For what and for Whom are we to live this life?
- In what ways to salvation, glory, and power belong to our God? Why do they truly belong to no other? How does this give us a clearer understanding of the gospel? The resurrection? The growth of the church? The end times?