Today’s passage: Revelation 19:6-10
Helpful thoughts:
- The loud worship from verses 1-5 continues.
- The occasion for this worship is the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”
- The Lamb is Christ!
- The Bride is his blood-bought people, the church (2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:25-27).
- This pure bride, with her fine, bright, pure linen (Her righteousness) stands in stark contrast to the great prostitute of verse 17.
- Christ’s righteousness has been put to our account and the righteous deeds we do now in this new life are the result of God’s grace (Romans 4:3, Ephesians 2:10). All glory goes to Him!
- In the grandeur of this moment, John fell in worship before this angel, who quickly reminds John, all the glory goes to the Lord!
Questions to consider:
- In what ways does the Lord reign now? How will His reign be clarified or in what ways will it be distinctly different by the time of what we read here in Revelation 19?
- What is true of all those who are present at this marriage celebration? What is their blessing? What is their invitation? What is their reward? What is their identity?
- How does the Apostle John’s immediate response to this give us a sense for how wonderful it will be? What responses does the true nature of God, His grace, and His redemption of us as His people demand? How can these right responses inform our living today?