Today’s passage: Romans 12:3-8
Helpful thoughts:
- The Bible never tells us to think more highly of ourselves. It does however tell us to love others and to be humble.
- This does not mean we are not to be confident. Humility and “low self-esteem” are not the same thing. When we know who God is, and we see how He has graciously chosen to use us in His kingdom and for the benefit of the body of Christ, we can serve and love with all confidence and joy.
- God has given us faith (Verse 3) and He has given us gifts to serve (Verse 6).
- Every member of the church “belongs” to the other members of the church (Verse 5).
- This is a great reminder for us. “Church” is a body of believers we all have been equipped to love and serve. “Church” is not an event to attend.
- There are spiritual gifts listed and there are commands to utilize them with zeal and cheer. Be encouraged to focus on the doing and the joyful service more than on investigating what gift you have. You will do the things the Spirit has gifted you to do best as you see needs and start serving others in love.
Questions to consider:
- How does this passage begin to answer the question of what a living sacrifice and a transforming life looks like from verses 1 & 2?
- What do you notice about the descriptive words or actions after each listed gifting? When are our gifts being used or activated? How should we use them? What emotions appear to be present in their proper use?
- In what ways do you think God has used you to love and serve the church? Don’t just think of “official” church programs… What about your interactions with people before and after the service, or during the week? What needs do you see most often and how might you be especially equipped to meet them?