Today’s passage: Romans 12:9-21
Helpful thoughts:
- It would be good to read this passage slowly. Take time to consider each one of these commands.
- The burning coals on the heads of those who do us wrong are not for our enjoyment…they can be used by God to graciously alert others of their sin and judgment if they do not repent.
- Our greatest desires for our good works and kindness are to glorify God and see other sinners receive His grace in repentance.
- Far better for your current “enemies” to become your friends and brothers/sisters in Christ. This is how God treated us in His love through Christ in the gospel.
- When we see evil in this world, we do not have to be overcome by it. In fact, we are commanded not to be overcome. It might be tempting to avoid being overcome by hiding in a “safe” place, but the way to overcome is by proactively doing good. (Verse 21)
Questions to consider:
- What commands stick out the most to you? Where would you like to grow first/most?
- How are these commands tied to each other? Are there any relationships between one set of commands and another? How would growing in any one of them help you to grow in others?
- In what areas of life does this passage call on us to act? In what areas does this passage call on us to wait, be patient, and/or leave it to God? How could the consistency of this pattern teach us how we are to interact with and think about other people?