Today’s passage: Song of Solomon 8:1-14
Helpful thoughts:
- In verses 1-4, the woman responds to her great desire expressed in the end of the previous chapter.
- At the height of her desire, she is aware of the need not to stir up or awaken love before the right time.
- The end of verse 1 depicts a familial kiss, as a brother would give to his sister as a greeting. This shows (After reading the details of their desires in previous chapters) just how chaste the couple has remained. They haven’t even given each other as much as a cheek to cheek kiss as a greeting.
- At the height of her desire, she is aware of the need not to stir up or awaken love before the right time.
- Verses 8-9 again show a difference in what others see in the Shulammite and what is seen by her betrothed.
- She “was a wall” (Verse 10). This refers to her integrity in purity. She is coming to the marriage bed and therefore will remain pure and undefiled (Hebrews 13:4).
- The wedding finally arrives!
- Solomon’s love is cheapened by the amount of women he has and the men he has to employ to maintain them.
- The shepherd and the Shulammite woman have the richest and greatest love!
- He calls and she answers with the invitation to consummate their loving marriage in verses 13-14.
Questions to consider:
- In what way do verses 6-7 summarize the meaning of the whole of The Song of Solomon? Meditate on these verses! What do they teach us? What is the nature of true love and marriage in the eyes of God?
- Why might some be surprised after reading the rest of this book to hear that this couple went to their marriage bed as virgins? Is it possible to have a desire for your beloved and wait for the wedding day? How does this waiting build desire, respect, trust, etc. between the new husband and wife? Why is it BETTER to wait?
- How can we tie in the picture and theme of Christ and His bride the Church (Ephesians 5:31-32)? How can we as His bride have eyes only for Him in a world that is fighting for our attention and desires? How will our love for Christ only be strengthened by our pursuit of spiritual purity and devotion to Him?