Today’s passage: Daniel 9:1-19
Helpful thoughts:
- The passage in Daniel read that declares a seventy year length for the exile is in Jeremiah 25:8-14.
- For an example of what Daniel referred to as being written in the Law of Moses, check out Leviticus 26.
- In Daniel’s confession he repeatedly acknowledges that God has remained faithful, steadfast, kept His covenant, and is righteous. Israel was the party who had failed and sinned.
- Daniel was not asking for God to bail Israel out of a tight spot. He was confessing sin and pleading for mercy. Those are two very different approaches, and only one of them was appropriate.
Questions to consider:
- Why had Israel (and Judah) suffered as it had? Why did God allow “bad things” to happen to them?
- What was the purpose of the discipline of God? How should Israel have responded? How should we respond when discipline comes our way?
- What was the basis of Daniel’s request for mercy? Was he simply asking for a better life? Whose name was on the line?
- Why do we ask God for things? Who stands to benefit the most from your prayers?