Today’s passage: Galatians 6:11-18
Helpful thoughts:
- Paul confirms that those who are teaching legalism and requiring circumcision are “sowing to the flesh”.
- People can take credit for convincing someone to be religious. Only God can be honored for a new creation.
- Paul specifically blesses those who have believed in Jesus Christ by faith.
Questions to consider:
- From the content of this letter, who is “The Israel of God”? (See Galatians 3:7-9)
- Would people be prone to see Paul’s scars suffered through persecution as marks of faithfulness and fullness of life, or would they likely see them as unwanted and a curse? How did he see them?
- What compels you to follow Jesus? Do not answer this from experience! What does this passage say? Are we following Jesus because God did a miracle or because we want something this world has to offer that is wrapped up and labeled as “Christianity”?