Today’s passage: Habakkuk 3
Helpful thoughts:
- Today we read Habakkuk’s prayerful response to the Lord’s answer, written as a psalm.
- In verses 3-15, Habakkuk recounts the works of the Lord during the time of the Exodus.
- Knowing that Babylon would be coming to destroy Jerusalem, Habakkuk committed to put his trust in the Lord and His sovereign plan.
- Jerusalem was never Habakkuk’s strength. God was (is) his strength.
Questions to consider:
- What parts of the exodus journey (From the departure from Egypt to entering the Promised Land) can you find in verses 3-15? Why would these acts of God bring hope and consolation to Habakkuk?
- What was Habakkuk’s posture toward God in the beginning of this book? What is it at the end?
- Why is it so important to see that Habakkuk’s perspective shifted and not his circumstances? Jerusalem was still about to be destroyed and Habakkuk’s body trembled at the thought of it. Yet, he was able to rejoice, why? What can we learn from this short book that can be applied to our lives today?