Today’s passage: Mark 12:35-44
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus quotes Psalm 110:1 as the words of David “by the Holy Spirit.” This is because the Holy Spirit inspired these words (2 Peter 1:20-21).
- Jesus teaching in verses 35-37 make the argument that the Messiah must be born in the flesh as a descendant of David, yet still be David’s Lord. Jesus is the Son of David and the Son of God.
- The Jewish leaders were rebuked for using their public offices to take advantage of people.
- Widows are often used as an example to refer to all those who are unable to care for themselves.
- Godly leaders use their positions of influence to serve and protect those who cannot help themselves.
- In verses 41-44, Jesus is not commanding everyone to give everything they have. Instead, He is emphasizing God’s perspective on our giving. God’s economy of giving is different than what we might expect.
Questions to consider:
- How does honest, humble faith approach the Word of God (With verses 35-37 in mind)? When we read the Bible, what should we be looking for? Whose objective should we be seeking?
- How does honest, humble faith approach serving and giving (With verses 38-44 in mind)? Whom should we seek to please (2 Corinthians 5:9)?
- Who is Jesus? Why is it actually quite ridiculous to use religion or church to gain attention and praise for ourselves?