Today’s passage: Zechariah 14
Helpful thoughts:
- This final chapter of Zechariah contains details of the second coming of Christ.
- The events that will occur during this time are such that there will be no debate or doubt as to whether Christ has come. There have been and there could very well be more who come and claim to be Christ (Matthew 24:3-8). But none of them will be able to accomplish all this.
- The phrase, “Holy to the Lord” (Verse 20) had been inscribed on the turban of the High Priest. The phrase signified that he had been set apart for service to the Lord. When Christ returns, everything will be considered “Holy to the Lord.”
Questions to consider:
- What can we learn about the sovereignty of God in today’s reading? What does the first line of verse 2 teach us?
- What aspects of Christ’s return and the way things will be during his millennial reign caught your attention the most? What do you look forward to seeing the most (We will be there!)?
- Why will it make sense for the whole world to celebrate the Feast of Booths (Or “Tabernacles”) in that day? To whom do all these feasts eventually point? How will celebrating God’s rescue of Israel out of slavery in Egypt teach the world about God’s sovereignty in bringing about our redemption through Christ?