Today’s passage: John 19:28-42
Helpful thoughts:
- Jesus was offered fluids at two different times (Mark 15:23, 36). He did not take the wine mixed with myrrh, which served as a sedative. Jesus did not alleviate His suffering for our sin in any way.
- Jesus declared from the cross, “it is finished.” Then, because He knew His work was done, He gave up His spirit. Jesus died when He was ready, and not a moment before or after. God was in complete control.
- John tells the reader about the blood and water coming from Jesus’ side and the work of the Roman soldiers (Not needing to break His legs) to confirm Jesus’ death. This is evidence that Jesus really did die on the cross. He did not pass out and later come to. He was dead.
Questions to consider:
- What was it that was “finished” on the cross? Are there any sins that were left unpaid for? Is there something more you have to do to know you are saved and forgiven? What do the words, “It is finished” mean for God’s people?
- Why is it so important that we know Jesus really died? What could Jesus never do (Three days later) if He wasn’t first dead?
- What are all the evidences in this passage of Jesus’ death (Including the details of His burial)? Why is John being so meticulous to share all this information with us (End of verse 35)? What is the right response to all these details?