Today’s passage: John 12:20-26
Helpful thoughts:
- “Greeks” simply refers to Gentiles. These men could have been from anywhere outside of Israel.
- The point is that salvation is coming to the world. To the Jew first and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16).
- What Christ says in the following verses can be cherished by Jews, and anyone else in the world, who places their faith in Christ!
- Christ was about to die to bear much fruit.
- To love or hate “this life” refers to the temporal pleasures of this earth.
- Loving Christ and eternal life results in self-sacrificial living in this world. This is following Jesus.
Questions to consider:
- What is the fruit which has been and continues to be born from the death of Jesus Christ?
- When do temporal pleasure in this physical earthly life become sinful? What are some examples of times we proactively disobey God in order to pursue earthly pleasures? What are some examples of times we omit obedience to God because we fear missing out on or losing our earthly pleasures? Why is knowing and enjoying Jesus better than any pleasure this world could offer?
- Why did Jesus say it was time for Him to be glorified? Why is the crucifixion of Jesus the glorification of Jesus?