Today’s passage: Matthew 28:16-20
Helpful thoughts:
- The disciples either worshiped Jesus upon seeing Him…or still doubted. All believed afterward.
- Jesus has all authority. He is God the Son. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
- The last time the disciples were commissioned to go, it was to the House of Israel (Matthew 10:5-6). Now they (and we) are to go to the world.
- A disciple is a follower. Making disciples is results in seeing people become genuine followers of Jesus Christ.
- Baptism in the “Name” means we are identifying with God. Baptism is a public testimony, a profession of faith.
- The Lord of all authority is with us as we go.
- Evangelism is something we do because we love Jesus and it naturally comes out of us when we talk with others. And, evangelism is something we plan to do, in specific places with specific people. We share as we go and we go to share.
Questions to consider:
- How does the Great Commission help us to see evangelism biblically? What should be the fruit we are seeing when someone believes?
- From where does Jesus encourage the disciples to get their confidence and courage for the task? Why can we share the Gospel and point people to Christ with complete confidence?
- Who could you go to today/this week/etc. with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?